The Dream Academy
The Dream Academy
Tony Cooke

Welcome to The Dream Academy

making dream interpretation available to all believers

About Us...

My wife Dwee and I have been teaching, training and developing courses on biblical dream interpretation for well over 18 years. As Directors of Streams Training Centre England we were trained, mentored and befriended by the late John Paul Jackson. Our mission is to make a positive change to the way the Church understands dreams by drawing together Courses and community support all on one platform. Welcome to The Dream Academy!

WE have a dream....

This is what Dream Academy Members have said: 

“I’m resetting my thinking about dreams through the Courses in The Dream Academy. I’ve been trained previously with a certain methodological approach to dreams, which quite frankly left a lot of people jaded. I also came away jaded not just in dream interpretation but also in the prophetic gifting and my general life. When I came to your workshop it was a breath of fresh air. I felt alive again in dream interpretation and prophecy... and in my life - colour started to come back. The change has even been noted by others! I’m keen to learn and learn and learn! This is showing how much stuff I have to unlearn!” - [L.P.]

"I began having dreams which I knew where full of meaning but didn't know how to interpret them. Taking a biblical dreams course unlocked an amazing season in my life, where God clearly spoke through my dreams." - [CC]

For years we have had a God-given call to teach on biblical dream interpretation. With The Dream Academy we can spread God's amazing gift of sleep dreams to more of His church. Dreams should not be considered weird by the church; the Bible is full of dreams that changed history. Let's join together to alter how the Church understands dreams and change history!